
RL 1 - Logisim, Digital, and Logisim-Evolution

A project log for Bit-Slice (AM2900) Design

What if I'm stuck in a time machine and sent back to 1975? Better safe than sorry.

travis-ayresTravis Ayres 07/19/2021 at 07:511 Comment

As far as simulators go, one could of course use a full HDL language and simulator (such as GHDL, or Icarus Verilog), and while I am doing some of that for this project I decided to check out Logisim's descendants Digital and Logisim-Evolution. Work on the original Logisim has stopped, and it's up to the community to continue it - fortunately, multiple groups have continued its...well, Evolution. 

I started by checking out Digital, and after scanning through the issues it looks like the ability to draw a custom representation for a circuit is not yet available (although it is in progress); Logisim-Evolution has this feature, so I went with it. After looking through the issues on Github, it appears that the simulator's core would require some serious refactoring to support true bidirectional pins - then again, V1 of Chisel didn't support tri-state pins either (whatever that means - I never bothered with Chisel).

Anyway, it's what I went with (along with VHDL/Verilog, but it's likely easier for people to follow along with if using a tool like Logisim Evolution).

But here's the deal: THIS is the tutorial that everyone needs to see. It's what sold me on Logisim Evolution, for the same reason the author states - the other tutorials will put you to sleep, let's see something real, fast.


Ok, next we're going to add some items to our References section:

Cool stuff!


prlaba wrote 02/15/2022 at 15:21 point

Note that the 74LS189 has inverted outputs. The 74LS219 is the same 16x4 RAM chip with non-inverted outputs.  I was able to find them on eBay,

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