

This software was designed for II's (Independent Investigators).

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This software was designed for II's (Independent Investigators). If you are an independent Investigator, you should use my software for your independent investigations. Usually, investigation software costs are not cheap. I made my software free. Now, who is II's (Independent Investigators)? They are usually regular people turned investigators for a reason. However, they are not associating with the authorities like a Private Investigator or even available to be hired by the authorities. They work alone, they are somewhat a vigilante except for the killing part. That is the choice that they will make which will turn them into one. However, my software was designed to help II's (Independent Investigators) not vigilantes. Their end goal is to investigate then reach out with their hard evidence and give it over to the authorities. Hopefully, they made copies, these days you can not trust anyone.

Developed for Independent Investigators

You can use my software for your independent investigations. Usually, investigation software costs are not cheap. I made my software free.


  • People Database Creator
  • All Details of POI (Image, Birthplace, Full Name, Ethnicity, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Body Type, Weight) Support
  • People Traffic Database Creator
  • Registration Plates Database Support
  • Last Known Location (Lattitude & Longitude or Street Address) Support
  • Transcript Database Creator assist system support

x-zip-compressed - 65.86 kB - 07/25/2021 at 17:03


  • Additions to DBCreator

    ddisthatoneguyyouknow09/13/2021 at 18:21 0 comments

    I have been attempting to add some encryption at the suggestion of My Hackaday mentor. The encryption will be going towards DB Creators file write/read systems. Possibly read not positive on that. I do wish to encrypt the application as a whole as well. I have updated the startup forms UI.

    Hackaday Mentor was - Kliment (Future Bits)

    I have been redesigning the UI.

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  • 1
    Install Visual Studio 2019

    (Optional) Get the files here: Github

    Learn how to open a Visual Studio Project from a Github repository: Microsoft Documents

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