
v0.2 Blurted Out

A project log for MeArm - Your Robot

Cheap, Small, Open Source Servo Controlled Robot Arm

benphenoptixben.phenoptix 04/09/2014 at 09:401 Comment

Just published v0.2 of the MeArm. Entirely redesigned by Jack Howard. It's a leap forward from the last version but still needs some work and we're currently having at the following improvements:

Adding central support to take the strain off the servo arms.
Moving parallelogram mounts backwards for wrist stabilisation
Reducing weight from claw and forearm.

DXF here:

Could do with some tips for software that generates stl files. Once those updates are made I'd really like to see a 3D printed version. Is an A4 envelope common in 3D printing? I know nothing about 3D printing.


Russell Hay wrote 04/09/2014 at 14:53 point
Why target 3d printing for the arm? Laser cutting seems to be working well, and is way faster than 3d printing. If it's made out of entirely flat parts (which it looks like it is), I'd just stick with laser cutting

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