
Move or bust.

A project log for Choose your own adventure bot

Ultra low cost 3D printed Open Educational Resource Walking Robotic Platform

shanesnipeshane.snipe 10/31/2021 at 15:360 Comments

So yesterday I got my care package from Ali Express. I have the blue metal gear motors, an abundance of FFCs and some tablet speakers.  So before I jump to the next level, I need to take care of getting the basic movements from the device.


1) Define pins and movement directions. 

2) Make the mapping work for 1-100.

3)  Make hip motors work.

4)  See if hip motor activation can make Cya stand up from a split.

First, because the PCA 9685 board is symmetric, I can put the headers on with the LED to be back or the front and it will work. However, the pin definitions are all reversed as Pin 0 is now Pin 15 compared to when I had the lead facing the board.

For the shorty, there is no Tibia so if using the C2 connector for the Femur motor the following pins needed to be activated to move the motors.

When facing the front.

Right hip   Pin 8  CCW  

Right hip   Pin 9 CW 

Right Femur  Pin 4 CW

RIght Femur  Pin 5 CCW

Left HIp  Pin 14  CCW

Left Hip  Pin  15 CW

Left Femur  Pin 10 CW

Left Femur Pin 11 CCW

Broken trace next to the left hole stopped the motor from running.
