I'm going to split this into two logs. At first I thought I could write one log with the modules connected together and the results of testing, but it turns out that I have to go back and fix various infelicities in the modules due to my learning to use Logisim. As I don't want to continually revise logs like some authors do, making it difficult for readers to see what's changed, I will describe the preparation now. I also have to go back and rewrite history, er module logs, to fix up the sub-circuits.
I need to label all the external connections of each module, not with text but with pin labels, otherwise you cannot see from outside each pin's function. Also the pin label field has the hint HDL compatible on a yellow background. What this means is only certain characters are valid. I cannot use ~ or / to indicate inverted logic, so I have to write it like nRST.
To combine modules, the Merge action is used. However this reads in the module once rather than linking to it. So if the module changes, the sub-circuit has to be deleted and reread. When merging, module names need to be unique, or existing modules will be overwritten. So instead of letting the module name default to main I gave each one a unique name.
So for now here are the 4 modules read into one project:
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