This project is to use a wifi microcontroller in promiscuous mode to sniff all mac addresses and their signal level. It will also have an onboard temperature and humidity sensor. This is to track where a person is in the house based off of their phone signal. Since there is one of these modules in each room, capturing the temperature and humidity is added as well.
Sniffer Flow.json
node-red flow for the RS485 protocol on the latest version
Source code for the latest design using the RTL8720DN BW16 module. This uses a custom RS485 protocol that my home network uses. see node-red flow for how this protocol works
Source code for first version of the wifi sniffer using the DHT22 + ESP-01 boards. A lot of this code comes from Andreas Spiess wifi human detector project
The latest design will use my RS485 PCB with the RTL8720DN BW16 module. This will allow me to track both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz WiFi. The RS485 will act as a backhaul so i don't have to capture, connect, publish, diconnect, repeat like the first design. This will allow for greater capture time and shorter capture intervals. It will also allow a syncing of the capture accross all of the sniffers.
The latest design will also use the HDC1080 for its temperature and humidity since that is more accurate and more reliable than the DHT22
Hi, I like that you use a 5G wifi mcu to expand the coverage, but as far as this project description is concerned, you basically explained nothing, I had a hard time understanding what you are trying to do with state machine as well as your weird "command" system, like what are you expecting to recv on Serial?
Hi, I like that you use a 5G wifi mcu to expand the coverage, but as far as this project description is concerned, you basically explained nothing, I had a hard time understanding what you are trying to do with state machine as well as your weird "command" system, like what are you expecting to recv on Serial?