# Open SDI12-Blue #
An open implementation for a SDI12 Sensor node, based on Ultra-Low-Power Bluetooth CPU
- Build your own SDI12 V1.3 compatible Ultra-Low-Power Sensor with (often) less than 50 lines of Code
- Use traditional SDII2 Bus or SDI12-Over-BLE to communicate with your Sensor
- No APP required, use Standard WEB-Blueooth-API (Live demo: [BLE API Live (in Repository LTX BLE Demo)](https://joembedded.github.io/ltx_ble_demo/ble_api/index.html)
- Optional: Secure Firmware-Updates-over-BLE (via BLE-API), Access Control via PIN, ...
- ...
Current State:
- Testsensor (Device Type 200): stable and tested
- Real-World-Project KKD18 (Device Type 200): stable and tested
Some Facts about SDI12:
- SDI12 is a very simple protocol, mainly designed for Ultra-Low-Power Meteorolocical and Hydrological Sensors
- It is a simple 3-wire BUS and allows up to 10 (optionally 64) sensor nodes with 500 mtr. total cable length