
First test print with a 0.6mm nozzle

A project log for Direct Granules Extruder, FDM prints from powder

Waste plastic turned into raw material for 3D printing.

norbert-heinzNorbert Heinz 10/22/2021 at 18:490 Comments

If you want to hide the weak points of your printer, print something big in vase mode ;-)

I don't want to hide the weak points, which is why I have made a test print of a tiny object. It is the link of a chain with the dimensions  27x25x12mm. The object cooling fan is still not mounted on the extruder and closing the nozzle to avoid stringing doesn't work as it should (yet). Stringing will be a subject in a coming video. I have used a 0.6mm nozzle for the print. Layer height is 0.2mm, extrusion width 0.5mm.

The 2mm walls are straight, which is an indication that V3 can handle constant extrusion:
