
Data Results For Laser Collimation Tube Assembly Log#44

A project log for DAV5 V3.01 Raman Spectrometer

The only thing worth doing, is the thing worth doing right!

david-h-haffner-srDavid H Haffner Sr 01/09/2017 at 18:420 Comments

Well, here it is, the data, at least for the laser collimation tube. I imaged the laser's factory specification beam divergence (beam width) against the divergence of the laser tube and the data is clear, I now have a Wbeam divergence of 1.6mm which with the new calculations of; F= 6.35mm * 4mm/48 deg = 0.52mm horizontal FOV.

Which also translates to a 58 percent decrease in beam width (which is exactly what I was aiming for.) Now I have a beam width of 0.52mm. A word of caution though, all these calculations are approx. values, even with the math, although the optical lenses I used, have specs attached to them, there is still an error rate of about -0.25mm plus or minus.

*The 0.92mm total beam divergence is the total of horizontal and vertical pixel sums.

Below are the calculations associated with this plot;

Below are the calculations associated with this plot;

Here are the specifications for the 32mm focal lens to mirror assembly;
