
*UPDATE* Creating My Own Spectral Database On Github!

A project log for DAV5 V3.01 Raman Spectrometer

The only thing worth doing, is the thing worth doing right!

david-h-haffner-srDavid H Haffner Sr 04/12/2017 at 13:380 Comments


I have included my Scistarter website, so anyone who wants to join this open source project can contribute their files also to the spectral database on Github:

I have over twelve thousand lab spectral files (processed and raw data,) in csv format from all my spectrometer builds, starting from the first one I built to the present V3 version. I am always disappointed when trying to search the web for spectral data, either they feel that the data is top secret or they want an unreasonable payment for the knowledge.

I'm pretty fed up with it so, I've decided to hunker down and catagorize my work and post it for "free" on Github. I've just started so please be patient, this will take some time but I will get their, my first upload is a little sample of the catagories; light sources (CFL, Halogen, laser,LED and IR) next is dyes, which are my specialty (used for microbiological staining,) eosin y, Rhodamine B, I will be including carbol fuschin, safranin o, malachite green, methylene blue and fluorescein also at a later date.

I also included some of my studies in EVOO (extra virgin olive oil,) and will be including a study I did on Wyoming sweet crude oil.

The data sets will always include the raw data sets plus the processed data with a labeling legend attached for easy identification on plot legends. This way there is a clear trail of scientific evidence that we all should be using when doing good scientific research.

I hope this project will be helpful now and in the future, its a lot of work on my part but I don't mind doing it because I feel someone has too and it's going to be me :)

Here is the link to my Github repository;
