
First Steps for BGM and Voice Modules

A project log for Duel Disk - Arduino Based Replica

Creating a Arduino Based DIY Version of the Duel Disk

jasm2021JaSM2021 09/15/2021 at 17:570 Comments

To avoid having to convert music files to 8 bit WMV necessary to use the audio function for the SD card Adapter, the HW-247A From DFRobot will be the better option. It asks for no convertion but it folder structure is very specific. The audio samples will be mostly taken from:

The sound is obviously low-quality at the moment but it helps to generate an index of the necessary voice clips. Some clips have been added from the Links! android game as to temporarily replace those  that cannot be heard in the video due to the commentary (this person reaaaaally likes his job). The main contribution from this video is however a closer look at the manual from the disk.

Mainly this section that shows the value of the life points to change to a new "class" of sound bits.

The initial phase for this module will be generated by this simple circuit
