
Buy or win vinygo

A project log for VinyGo, a stereo vinyl recorder

For artists, vinyl stores, recording studios, or music lovers

mras2anmras2an 10/26/2024 at 07:002 Comments

Hello, vinygo lover, 

Is there anyone interested if I build and sell vinygo simplify electronic boards? 

if yes do not hesitate to answer in the comments "yes" and tell me in where you from.

If many of you respond, I will launch a competition to win a vinygo simplify electronic boards. 

have a nice day


mras2an wrote 11/18/2024 at 07:55 point

tkx djsopaul for your answer. I work on it! We keep in touch.

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djsopaul wrote 11/18/2024 at 07:31 point

yes! i would love to buy electronic board

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