
Tiny 3D printed+DVD stepper GRBL CNC mill

[WORK IN PROGRESS] A palm-sized kinda-sorta gantry-styled CNC mill build from scavenged steppers from optical drives and 3D printed parts.

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A palm-sized kinda-sorta gantry-styled CNC mill build from scavenged steppers from optical drives and 3D printed parts.
It actually does some milling, though as a prototype, it's still a bit janky (beyond of course that it's ran by extremely under-powered steppers and it has a 3D printed frame).

The X and Y axes are moved by 2-2 DVD stepper motors, the Z axis has 2 floppy steppers.
Controlled through USB, uses a GRBL CNC Arduino shield with 8825 stepper drivers.

I'll upload the 3D files later after I've remade everything in FreeCAD.
At the moment it's all in a Blender file, which I'm sure a lot of people here think is a war crime, and I kinda concur, but yea.

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