
Music is indispensible

Everyday I am in my room with my headphones on and my room is locked. To know if som1 is there at door,used a bulb and ultrasonic sensor.

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i used a ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 ,placed it at the handle of my door and used a relay to light a bulb in my room so that i get to know is someone is standing at my door. I did this because i was getting scolded for not responding to my family members calling me every morning to check if i woke up for my online class, as soon as i wake up i put my headphones on and listen to some jazz. As we all known music is indispensible. This now lets my know if someone wants to check on me.
As u must have seen in the picture that the relay is not connected that is because i got a shock 220V AC lol and this is my 1st project ever, so was not sure what went wrong and dont wanna re-live that experience.
I followed a course by Fracktal works on innovative engineering and it gave me a process on how to Brainstorm Research Prototype Iterate.
Overall it was all fun and learnt a lot.

Thanks Vijay for guiding us on such a good course.


ino - 627.00 bytes - 09/03/2021 at 06:28


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