

A project log for AUG1 Computer

Developing a new 8 bit computer, in time for Christmas.

james-otsJames Ots 09/16/2021 at 11:130 Comments

For a long time I've thought that designing a CPU would be quite interesting. Every so often I try, usually with some lofty aim to make an architecture which is really elegant. So I spend ages designing it on paper, and eventually give up because I can't quite get it to work within those parameters.

So this time I decided the only requirements would be that it would be a largely 8 bit processor, and it would work, even if it wasn't particularly nice to use, or elegant, or efficient.

So this is what I ended up with. (As I'm a Z80 person, there are a few similarities with that CPU).

An 8 bit data bus and a 16 bit address bus – but I'm tempted to include banked memory later. Memory mapped IO only at the moment. As yet, no interrupt handling, but I think that will have to be added at some point. There are control lines to indicate whether a memory operation is for instructions, data or the stack, so in theory each of these could be in separate, isolated areas of memory.

8 8-bit registers, r0..r7, which can also be used as 4 16-bit registers, w0..w3. Separate 16-bit programme counter and stack pointer. A separate flags register with four flags: zero, carry, overflow and negative.

The instruction set is comprised of these instructions:


This leaves 54 opcodes currently unused, so there's plenty of room for expansion at the moment.

r0 is used as the accumulator. You can jump/call using the w3 register or a direct value only — there's no ability to use the other w registers for jumps/calls.

Unlike on the Z80, the 16 bit inc and dec instructions also affect the zero flag. But we have no instruction for move data directly between registers — everything currently has to go via r0, which is a bit of a pain. You can also only load values from memory into r0.

I'd already written a Z80 assembler in JavaScript a few years ago (, so I've been able to modify it to compile AUG1 code instead. I haven't added any way to utilise the memory regions, and if I added banked memory I'd have to think of some way to handle that in a compiler too. I'd probably need some kind of executable format which would include instructions for where to load data – at the moment I'm just loading a contiguous block of data at 0. (Well, compiling it into the FPGA bitstream currently.)

The VHDL implementation is currently very crude, and most instructions take quite a few clock cycles to complete. However, since my FPGA board runs at 125MHz it's still much faster than it needs to be.
