
Multi spot with output.

A project log for LiDAR as an input device

Experiments with using a 2D 360 LiDAR sensor as an input device.

timescaleTimescale 10/19/2021 at 13:590 Comments

Having had some time to test various methods, I believe that I am pretty close to a full functioning driver script that can be used to interact with a set of predetermined set of spots or targets. I will upload the scripts in their current form for anybody to play around with. Mind, these are crude and the result of a very iterative process of hit and miss.

The most advanced version uses the dot-grouping method, converting them to Cartesian for later processing. The next step to to average the group into a point and see if the point matches the pre-codes targets.

Being mainly a desktop experiment at this point, the values for including or excluding points from groups or determining of a point hits a target are rather crude. For instance, in the group phase, there is no accounting for angle vs. distance. This should be easy to implement at a later stage. As soon as the Cartesian coordinates are available, this does not matter anymore.

Finally, for a target to be activated, it has to be actively scanned 3 times. After that it does an action and sets a flag. Every time an object is detected on that target, it will set the detection counter + 2(for ugly bad code practices reasons!). The loop always subtracts 1 from the counter. When the counter reaches zero, another action can be performed to signal the target is now empty.

In the script, the actions for activating the target are generating a uppercase letter for a front-end application event. When the target is deactivated, the same letter will be send in lowercase. This means you can pre-define 26 spots theoretically. If spots are not blocking the line of site of the LiDAR, the script can track multiple active targets for multiplayer purposes.

You can find the scripts in the file section of the project.


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