
New epdiy version 7

A project log for DIY ePUB Reader

ESP32 + ePaper = Kindle

martin-fasaniMartin Fasani 10/29/2023 at 07:380 Comments

New version of epdiy board v7 is about to be merged:

This uses faster esp32S3 with 8 MB PSRAM and the new LCD module. Before this version it used a quite hacky I2S method to send parallel data (I2S is usually used for Audio)

I‘ve tested this and I can say that is the fastest Espressif parallel epaper controller to date. So I‘ve though it would be great to make a custom PCB and add an SDCard to it. Then we could have a great hardware for this project.

I’m fabricating currently a custom epdiy v7 PCB (still no MicroSD support) that you can find in Tindie
