
LittleArm: 3D Printed Arduino Robot Arm

The LittleArm is a 3D printed Arduino robot arm created for Makers and STEM education

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The LittleArm started as a garage arduino project by Slant founder, Gabe Bentz. There simply were no good and affodable arduino robot arms out there. So Gabe made a prototype with his 3D printer.

After teachers and other makers approached Gabe about a kit for the arm, Slant took the project over.

The arm can be 3D printed on the majority of printers (largest piece 7.5 inches long). Once printed it's 4 microservos are controlled by an Arduino Uno. Beginners can just download the software and then start using it. The LittleArm GUI lets the user train the arm just by recording a few waypoints and then playing them back.

The LittleArm is a perfect minature analog for large industrial robot arms.

After a highly successful Kickstarter the LittleArm arduino robot arm is available for purchase on its website. The CAD files and code can also be downloaded to build your own.

3D Printing files for the LittleArm can be downloaded from the LittleArm Website.

If you do not have a printer, you can purchase the printed parts from the LittleArm store

Here was a quick rough out we made for a Waldo, teaching Pendant. We are going to dedicate a seperate project to that.


The Arduino Sketch for controlling the arm through USB or with the Adroid Bluetooth App

ino - 3.02 kB - 12/14/2016 at 21:29


Desktop App Source Code

plain - 15.59 kB - 12/14/2016 at 21:29


  • 4 × MG90S Micro Servos with Servo Horns
  • 1 × Arduino Uno
  • 1 × Mini Breadboard
  • 1 × Shoulder
  • 1 × UpperArm

View all 9 components

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Building the LittleArm

    Wiring diagram to follow along.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Downloading the GUI

  • 3
    Step 3

    Training the LittleArm using the GUI

    Note: Since this video was made the Desktop application has been upgraded significantly. Here is a screenshot.

View all 5 instructions

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Saren Tasciyan wrote 04/02/2020 at 23:29 point

Hi, how much weight can it carry?

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13joaquing wrote 01/15/2018 at 23:30 point

Hi! I have 3D printed the parts for a class i'm teaching and have ordered the components. Could you please provide the type of nuts, bolts, and screws you use for assembly? It is missing from the components section. The video also does not specify them. If you could also recommend a specific power supply that would be great.

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Kevin Harrington wrote 12/17/2016 at 22:48 point

Hi, I built BowlerStudio, a robot control software.

Would you be interested in collaborating to get your arm into a BowlerStudio creature? 

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slantconcepts wrote 12/17/2016 at 23:26 point

Hey Kevin,

We would be interested. But we are pretty swamped right now with other components of the project, so we would not be able to be too do much more than provide information about the COM protocols and design.

Thanks for reaching out

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