
3d-printed vacuum solder stencil printer box V3

Get perfect solder stenciling every time with a few springs and some 3d-printing

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Get easy perfect solder stenciling with the magik solder stencil vacuum box. Now its also fully 3d printable with no other parts than 3d printed plastic.

Modify the f3d Fusion 360 file to build your own. And look at mine for inspiration. This is hands down the thing that made making electronics at home more easy than anything else. You can even apply paste in a very very bad way and it still gets good.

Check out my youtube video on how its used. The latest version is the ORANGE and BLUE version described in the video here:



Fixed box size. Vacuum nozzle is parametric. Opens in Fusion 360

f3d - 10.95 MB - 12/16/2021 at 13:54


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Marius Heier wrote 12/16/2021 at 15:25 point

Woho new video of box number 3.

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Wojciech Gelmuda wrote 12/16/2021 at 09:22 point


Cool project! Congrats. When can we expect 3D files to print and test the solution?

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Marius Heier wrote 12/16/2021 at 13:53 point

Yes. You can download the files here. I just uploaded a new version. A new video is coming in a few hours.

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Wojciech Gelmuda wrote 12/16/2021 at 14:35 point

Great. Thank you. The new design does not need gasket, metal screws and springs, everything is 3D printed, right?

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Marius Heier wrote 12/16/2021 at 14:59 point

Yes. Everything is 3d printed in this version! Let me know if you run into any problems with it.

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Wojciech Gelmuda wrote 12/17/2021 at 09:05 point

I will be printing parts over the weekend and post update here soon.

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Marius Heier wrote 11/20/2021 at 21:49 point

Made a new video about the new box. And share some fusion parametric box. Within a few days i think i will have ready the somewhat final version. But things kinda never are finished right?

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