The Tesla coil its self consists of a small secondary resonating at about 700kHz, and a single turn primary coil. It is pulsed directly from a low voltage DC supply (12 to 30V) and can give some quite impressive sparks.
The pulse timing is controlled with the PWM-4808 controller. I am still working on the last bits of code, but it already has some great features including PWM, Burst fire, Special FX (the sparks make cool laser sounds and change in appearance) and music.
So far the music is tone based, but it is capable of full audio. I am working on a suitable audio library to do this.
I am also working on a basic 3D printed / laser cut mount for this so it can be held as a gun, and then people can simply build around it to make their own awesome scifi cosplay weapons that shoot real sparks!
I will publish the code on github once I am satisfied it is mostly bug free. I will also publish any 3D print files and so on if I manage to get around to making them! If anyone would like to help with code or the 3D design, that would be awesome.