The mathematical descriptor known as Shape Context uses log-polar histograms to encode relative shape information. This can be used to extract alphabet shapes from an image efficiently. The implemented algorithm is as below.
Log-polar histogram bins are used to compute & compare shape contexts using Pearson’s chi-squared test [12]
Pearsons Chi-squared Test
It captures the angle and distance to randomly sampled (n-1) points of a shape, from the reference point
To identify an alphabet, find the pointwise correspondences between edges of an alphabet shape and stored base image alphabets. [12]
(a-b) Sampled Pts (c) Log-Bin Histogram (d-f) Shape Contexts (g) Pointwise Correspondence
To identify an alphabet or numeral, find character contours in an image. Filter out the contours based on size and shape to keep the relevant ones.
Compare contours with each shape inside the base image. The base image contains all the potential characters, both alphabets, and numerals.
Find the character with the lowest histogram match score
Do the above for all character contours, to extract the whole text.
t_points = len(points)
r_array = cdist(points, points)
am = r_array.argmax()
max_points = [am / t_points, am % t_points]
r_array_n = r_array / r_array.mean()
r_bin_edges = np.logspace(np.log10 (self.r_inner), np.log10 (self.r_outer), self.nbins_r)
r_array_q = np.zeros((t_points, t_points), dtype=int )
for m in xrange(self.nbins_r):
r_array_q += (r_array_n < r_bin_edges[m ])
fz = r_array_q > 0
theta_array = cdist(points, points, lambda u, v: math.atan2((v[1 ] - u[1 ]), (v[0 ] - u[0 ])))
norm_angle = theta_array[max_points[0 ], max_points[1 ]]
theta_array = (theta_array - norm_angle * (np.ones((t_points, t_points)) - np.identity(t_points)))
theta_array[np.abs(theta_array) < 1 e-7 ] = 0
theta_array_2 = theta_array + 2 * math.pi * (theta_array < 0 )
theta_array_q = (1 + np.floor(theta_array_2 / (2 * math.pi / self.nbins_theta))).astype(int )
nbins = self.nbins_theta * self.nbins_r
descriptor = np.zeros((t_points, nbins))
for i in xrange(t_points):
sn = np.zeros((self.nbins_r, self.nbins_theta))
for j in xrange(t_points):
if (fz[i, j]):
sn[r_array_q[i, j] - 1 , theta_array_q[i, j] - 1 ] += 1
descriptor[i] = sn.reshape(nbins)
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