The PCBs finally arrived, but turns out there was a mistake at the fab, and all holes that were supposed to be 0.9mm are 0.6m instead. I managed to solder pin headers to them anyways, so let's do some testing!
For the test, I decided it would be the easiest to do it with a display. So I wired an ILI9341 to the pins that are not used by the shield, and... it didn't work. Great, displays were supposed to be a solved problem. After some poking around and testing, it turns out that the silkscreen on the Lolin S2 Mini I have is wrong, and it has pins 12 and 13 swapped. After swapping the pins, it works. Great, so now time to try the test code. Based on Adafruit examples, I came up with this:
import board import terminalio import displayio import adafruit_ili9341 import busio import adafruit_ov2640 displayio.release_displays() display_bus = displayio.FourWire( busio.SPI(clock=board.IO7, MOSI=board.IO5), command=board.IO9, chip_select=board.IO12, reset=board.IO11, baudrate=80_000_000, ) display = adafruit_ili9341.ILI9341(display_bus, width=320, height=240) i2c = busio.I2C(scl=board.IO39, sda=board.IO40) cam = adafruit_ov2640.OV2640( i2c, data_pins=(board.IO21, board.IO17, board.IO16, board.IO18, board.IO33, board.IO34, board.IO35, board.IO36), clock=board.IO14, vsync=board.IO38, href=board.IO37, mclk=board.IO13, mclk_frequency=20_000_000, size=adafruit_ov2640.OV2640_SIZE_QVGA, ) cam.flip_x = False cam.flip_y = True pid = cam.product_id ver = cam.product_version print(f"Detected pid={pid:x} ver={ver:x}") # cam.test_pattern = True g = displayio.Group(scale=1) bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(320, 240, 65536) tg = displayio.TileGrid( bitmap, pixel_shader=displayio.ColorConverter( input_colorspace=displayio.Colorspace.BGR565_SWAPPED ), ) g.append(tg) display.auto_refresh = False while True: cam.capture(bitmap) bitmap.dirty() display.refresh(minimum_frames_per_second=0) cam.deinit()
And... nothing. It seems to hang on the cam.capture(bitmap) line. The good news is that the i2c communication seems to work, as it reports the pid and version correctly. I will need to investigate this further.
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