
Arduino example

A project log for Hacking Water Meter

Turn Elster V200 meter into a smart water meter

alexander-dvorkovyyAlexander Dvorkovyy 04/30/2022 at 11:480 Comments

It was a pleasant surprise for me to know that somebody cared enough to make this sensor for themselves. Well, this is why it is open source hardware - anybody can make it. If you did, please let me know somehow. I want to know everything - which meter you want to read, what kind of connectivity you prefer (Zigbee/WiFi/LoRa), which power source you use (battery, accu, mains power).

Since Arduino is lingua franca for all of IoT community, I've decided to write a small Arduino demo project where I would show in more details how to configure LDC2112 and use it to read the water meter.

You can find it here:

This is just a demo, but it gives a good starting point for your own firmware. I hope I didn't spoiled your fun discovering how this sensor works yourself :)

With this demo project I share my discovery path so far:

After 6 months of using this sensor I have found out that:


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