Put together a quick project using my kid's Halloween basket, a Pimoroni Tiny RP2040, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, and a 1.3" 128x64 OLED display that I had laying around. I hadn't experimented with the Tiny RP2040 much, so this project gave me an opportunity to do that.

As you can see, pretty simple setup. I powered the Tiny RP 2040 with a USB C cable and a small power brick.
Code was written in CircuitPython. I had a real problem with the display driver, initially thinking it was an SSD1306 before finally realizing that it was an SH1106 (good lesson learned for those out there).
Once I had the display working correctly, it was just a matter of adding the ultrasonic sensor, adding logic for the sensitivity (so the basket wouldn't set off a false count), and then incrementing the counter.
A fun little project....demo below: