
Interface IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor & arduino

In this project, we are using E18-D80NK IR Proximity Sensor which we will interface with Arduino.

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The project describes how to interface IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor with Arduino prevents the sensor from the interferences caused by the normal light of the sunlight.

E18-D80NK IR Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensor

The E18-D80NK is an IR Proximity Sensor with an obstacle detection range approx 3 cm to 80 cm. The utilization of modulated IR signal prevents the sensor from the interferences caused by the normal light of the sunlight.

E18-D80 IR Sensor is generally utilized in robots to avoid obstacles. The detection range can be adjusted as per the application with the help of the multi-turn screw that is placed at the back of the sensor.

For the connection of Interfacing of E18-D80NK IR Sensor with Arduino, attach the Brown wire of sensor with Arduino 5V pin, attach the Blue wire of sensor with Arduino’s Ground and attach Black pin of a sensor with a digital pin 7 of Arduino Nano.

  • 1 × E18-D80NK IR Sensor
  • 1 × Arduino Nano R3
  • 1 × Jumper wires (generic)
  • 1 × Breadboard (generic)

  • 1
    Run a Program

    const int e18_sensor = 7;
    const int led = 2;
    void setup() {
    pinMode (e18_sensor, INPUT);
    pinMode (led, INPUT);
    void loop() {
    int state = digitalRead(e18_sensor);
    Serial.println("Object Detected");
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
    else {
    Serial.println("All Clear");
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);

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