
Temperature probe tester

small, portable, constant temperature, water bath unit

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Twice a year I test temperature probes on kilns for heat treating wood pallets. Would like to build a unit that can maintain a temperature of 140°F AND 170°F. The probes have set points of 130° or 160° and these are minimum test temperatures. Can fill water bath unit with hot tap water probably around 110° prior to turning unit on. Need to maintain test temperatures for at least 30 minutes (for testing 3 or 4 probes at each site).
Need to explore the possibility of a battery powered unit and, if that is not plausible, a unit utilizing 120V AC. Thinking the water bath would be a 12 to 20oz container, but this is just one of the variables that can be changed for maintaining accurate temperatures. Is this a plausible project? Are there similar projects you can refer me to? How to get started?
Thanks in advance for any advice you care to share, DOUG

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