
Digitally Signing Documents

A project log for Raspberry Pi 400 Daily Driver

Learning to use a Raspberry Pi 400 laptop as an everyday computer and sharing the results.

dustinDustin 03/15/2022 at 02:030 Comments

I got an email the other day that required me to sign and return a document. As I loathe the paper experience, I decided to see if I could handle this with a Raspberry Pi 400. For the most part, this was actually a very simple process. Step the first was to do a Google search for "digitally sign PDF pop os." This brought me to a Reddit post recommending Xournal. I found Xournal++ in the PopShop on Pop!_OS, installed it, and played around a bit. I set up the input stability and ended up getting my form filled out and signed in about 15 minutes. I remember struggling with this very task on Windows years ago, and gave up. I was pleasantly surprised by how well this worked, though it did take some practice to get hand written text that didn't look like it was written in crayon. I'm not sure if most people would suspect that it wasn't printed and hand written either. Overall, a very good experience that saved me a fair bit of time and hassle.
