
Now were getting somewhere

A project log for Home Robot Named Sophie

A next generation home robot with a omni directional drive unit and 6 axis collaborative robot arm

apollo-timbersApollo Timbers 12/30/2023 at 04:030 Comments

I cranked out a temporary neck mount and attached the head to the robot. It now is a full rolling chassis. From here I can add the electrical subsystem and get the motors wired up. Be a few more weeks till the robot is mobile but I'm making steady progress. 

The neck will have to wait. I had some really nice steal cable springs I found on Electronic Goldmine, but for the life of me I can't find them now that I need them. Anyhow, the head should be a compliant mechanism (the tilting part) where it can at the very least turn left and right and also tilt. The tilting should allow it to express a confused look. (something I plan on it doing a lot if it does not recognize a command or hears a noise)

The uFactory lite 6, a 6 axis arm and batteries were placed for weight distribution. The batteries will be a good offset to the weight of the arm The arm comes in @ around 20 pounds in total, I'm ok with that as it has a built in controller and motor drives. It can also lift ~600grams of weight. Technical the robot will have a 7 axis arm as it will be on a linear rail and have a linear actuator raising and lowering it. This is so it can grasp things off the floor and also reach table height. The robot can't bend over like we can, so a engineering solution was devised. 
