
Macchina M2

The Hi-tech Toolbox Upgrade For Car Nerds

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As we set out to create the best open-source automotive interface we could make, we had several goals in mind. We wanted to build something that was as universal-as-possible, small, easy-to-use, versatile and low cost. The challenge was to jam as many automotive protocol interfaces into a small space, but still retain a low cost to appeal to the largest audience. At the same time, we leveraged and will continue to contribute to the huge open source community.

Wireless SocketBLE, WIFI, GSM, 3G, LTE, ... We use the XBEE "form-factor" here.
ProcessorThe same Atmel SAM3X8E processor used on Arduino DUE - a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 architecture running at 84MHz.
MicroSD Card SocketHSMCI (or SPI) interface for all your high speed data logging needs. RTOS anyone?
Micro USBUSB 2.0 also allows M2 to act as both a USB Device and Host.
LEDs5 one-color and 1 RGB programmable indicators. Great for debugging.
Memory 32k EEPROM for non-volatile memory via I2C, 512 KB for the user applications, 96 KB SRAM.
GPIO Pins6 Automotive level IO Pins to Control 12V devices (Examples: relays, fans, lights, etc) OR act as analog input (like temp sensor).
Power Supplies5V@ 3 amps, 3.3V@ 1 amp for connecting add-ons with worrying about power issues.
Automotive interface Circuits2 channels of CAN, 2 channels of LIN/ K-line, J1850 VPW/PWM, Single-wire CAN interfaces for maximum car compatibility.

  • "OK Google, start my car!"

    Don Stratton01/13/2020 at 22:03 0 comments

    Macchina is excited to show off one of our most-requested videos, a technology demo we call "OK Google, start my car!", which is a clever project that allows you to use Google Assistant and various IoT services to remotely start and stop a car using our M2 automotive interface with our SuperB wireless expansion module. The full project write-up, complete with all the links to the sample code, libraries, and triumphant demo video is on the Macchina web site at

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RandyKC wrote 10/19/2017 at 00:13 point

An implementation of a CAN interface can be useful in robotics as well as adding diagnostics to older vehicles (such as a Goldwing GL1000).

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