
Portable Speakers Box

USB-powered stereo amplifier with Arduino Nano spectrum analyzer and 0.96" OLED

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The goal of the project is to implement compact usb-powered speakers (without external power supply adapter). The final size should allow you to set speakers under the working monitor and allow you to connect headphones.

After some research, I want to put USB-hub inside and "covert" it to a some kind of desktop staton, to decrease amount of floating wires ))

The "must" features:

+ 5V usb-power amplifier
+ aux connection
+ headphones out
+ stereo speakers
+ compact overall size

Optional features:

- Bluetooth connection
+ Amp power on/off btn
- Spectrum analyzer on/off btn
- USB3-hub (4 ports - front + 4 ports - backside)
- Online-radio receiver


All components are combined by the board


As device should be portable-light, I decided to use plastic case. But, there no compatible-size ready enclosures in shops, so, I had to develop my own custom enclosure for 3d-printing. As project will be changed in future and optional features, I prefer to have options to simple defining of enclosure parameters and best way to do it - is OpenSCAD.

Here is output example:


Speakers enclosure image made with open-scad

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 31.21 kB - 12/04/2021 at 16:31



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 781.58 kB - 12/04/2021 at 16:29


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  • Enclosure is ready!.. v1.0?))

    Jumangee12/06/2021 at 13:11 0 comments

    I've got 3d-printed enclosure! It looks fine and have size of 263x92x100mm

    But now, I realized that I want to put a USB-3 hub inside the device for at least 6 ports (and even better 2 by 4 - in the frontside and backside). For what I acquired this USB-hub which will need to somehow stick inside... )))

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