
555 Timer Attenuator

Two 555 timers combined to create an analog attenuator!

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This project uses two 555 Timers to create an analog attenuator which can handle a very wide range of input signal frequency, amplitude, duty cycle, and bias.

The circuit connections are on the bottom of the board, but can you guess what they could be? (Hint: The placement of the two chips is a clue)

There are definitely better ways to create this type of attenuator, and few people would ever considering using a 555 for this purpose, so it is safe to say this circuit "Shouldn't have used a 555"

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Ken Yap wrote 12/12/2021 at 04:47 point

Hahaha, you've connected the power of the two 555s in series, so you're using the builtin resistor chain as a divider? 👍

BTW a little known fact is that Thai people find the 555 funny. 5 is pronounced "ha" in Thai, you see. 🤣

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