
Logo Designs, iOS, and Server Updates

A project log for 21 Days - IoT Habit Forming Picture Frame

Challenging myself to be healthier! Having fun while I'm at it!

chris-gervangChris Gervang 04/14/2017 at 22:211 Comment

Icon Design

Over the last week I focused on logo design for the iOS app, and for the website. I had a lot of fun browsing Dribbble for inspiration and art direction. I made around 21 variations, which one is your favorite?

In the end, I choose version 20.

It features a super light grid in the back, and a colored square for each habit I'm forming. The bold blue background with a slight darkening gradient stands out on my phone.

These files are now on github in the design folder!

New Features

In addition to updating rect-native (which took hours), I added some new features and refactors.

Build Scripts

# In 21days/ios

# For release on the phone build in ios:
npm run build
# Open Days in XCode, click play

# For debug build on iphone simulator:
react-native run-ios




DanielAlden wrote 11/19/2021 at 12:00 point

Logo design, as well as web design in general, is a crucial part of every website. It can help to attract more users, emphasize main points and so on. This project is very cool, and it reminds me platform, which provides stylish design solutions for everyone. I've found it when creating my resume; the templates provided by the resource are awesome. It's important today to be different among others, and it's applicable for each part of life.

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