
USB GPS module

Connect a GPS receiver via USB

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I've done everything else with SkyTraq GPS timing modules... except this.

In general, I use timing modules for my GPS projects. Because of this, I've shied away from USB, as USB really introduces all sorts of whacky, unpredictable latency that just gets in the way of accuracy. But I realize that not everyone is me and that there can be uses where the added jitter caused by USB may not be all that significant, so I decided to make one.

Doing it is quite simple. It's my TTL USB UART project mashed together with my GPS breakout board.

The USB UART is a CY7C65213 connected up to a USB-C receptacle. The CCx lines get 5.1 kΩ pull-down resistors and the shell gets a high impedance ground connection, just like I've used for everything. The !POWER output from the UART chip goes to the gate of a P MOSFET that gates power to the GPS receiver so that we don't exceed the current draw spec until the full enumeration takes place.

The 5 volt bus power needs to be reduced to 3.3 volts with an LDO, and the 3.3 volt power goes to the VCCIO pin of the UART so that the logic levels of the I/O pins are appropriate for the receiver. TX and RX go to RX and TX of the GPS receiver, respectively (don't make the mistake of connecting TX to TX... there needs to be a null modem here).

That leaves the PPS signal, which requires some special handling. A lot of USB GPS receivers don't bother with PPS, but that means that they're completely useless for timing, as invariably there's no sub-second relationship at all between the timing of the NMEA sentences and time. Typically the NMEA sentences name the current second and you're supposed to use the rising edge of PPS to separate each one.

The traditional solution to this is to connect PPS to one of the modem control signals, most typically !DCD. But the issue there is that PPS is significant on its rising edge and !DCD is active-low. This means that you need to invert the sense of PPS. While you could use a single inverter gate for this, the signal is so slow (it's effectively a 100 µs pulse once per second) that it's just as easy to use an N-MOSFET and a pull-up resistor to do it. The host will see assertions of DCD on-time and can use that for PPS (of course, sensing it through the USB UART will have some unknown latency and jitter, but it's the best we can do).

The GPS module is the PX1100T from SkyTraq that we've been using for everything lately. It simply requires power, serial I/O, PPS and RF input. The RF pin supplies 3.3 volt antenna power for active antennas, so no external biasing is required. To facilitate preserving the almanac across power cycles, there's a CR2012 backup battery. The module requires power to be supplied to this pin when the main power is active, so a BAT54C common cathode diode array allows us to hook up both the 3.3 volt rail and the battery to the pin. Since the 3.3 volt rail is higher than the battery, while it is applied it will force the diode from the battery to be reverse biased and keep it open. As soon as the 3.3 volt rail dies, the battery will take over.

The only thing that you might wish to change in this project would be fixing the UART at 115200, since that's the only data rate that would work anyway. You could do that by replacing the dedicated UART chip with a microcontroller that implemented the CDC protocol and ignored the commands to change the baud rate and word format, but for now, this is easier.

GPS USB v1_0_2.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 39.04 kB - 04/21/2022 at 21:34


GPS USB v1_0_2.brd

brd - 84.48 kB - 04/21/2022 at 21:34


GPS USB v1_0_2.sch

sch - 255.58 kB - 04/21/2022 at 21:34


  • Usage

    Nick Sayer01/05/2022 at 20:13 0 comments

    To use, just connect an antenna (either via the u.FL connector or with a pigtail) to the u.FL jack. When powered up, the module will supply 3.3v of active antenna power (this is short-circuit protected if you'r'e using a passive antenna that is a DC short), then connect to a host via the USB-C receptacle.

    The host will see a CDC device. Open it and set the baud rate to 115200 baud and the format to 8N1. You'll immediately see NMEA sentences. When/if a good fix is available, PPS pulses will show on DCD. If you want them on DSR or CTS instead, then you can solder closed the relevant jumpers on the board.

  • PPS options

    Nick Sayer01/05/2022 at 20:02 0 comments

    I'm having a little trouble with Linux.

    As I described in the project details, I've connected the PPS signal to DCD (via an inverter) so that it can be sensed over USB by the host. I've been using the ppscheck utility to attempt to verify that this is working, but it isn't. If I short DCD and DSR together, ppscheck does show the transitions on DSR and they are timed correctly, so I know it should be working in principle at least.

    The trouble with using DSR is that the Linux PPS line discipline expects you to use DCD.

    So going forward, I've decided to add solder jumpers to the board to allow you to select any of DCD, DSR or CTS to receive the PPS signal. The default will be DCD, but it'll be changeable just by adding or removing solder to one or more of the jumpers. I've also added serial RX and TX LEDs to the board for troubleshooting.

  • First prototype

    Nick Sayer01/04/2022 at 08:30 0 comments

    The first prototype has begun testing. The first thing that was discovered was that the BSS84 is not a good choice for the power gating transistor at 3.3 volts. The power output on the drain was closer to 2 volts, and was insufficient to allow the module to power up. Replacing the transistor with a wire from source to drain fixed the problem, albeit without being compliant with the USB spec.

    The best case scenario is simply swapping out for a better transistor solving the problem. At the moment, the candidate is the SI2329DS-T1-GE3. It has a lower Vgs to Rds-on resistance curve, making it more likely to pass sufficient current when Vgs is only 3.3 volts.

    EDIT: The FDV304P is also a good choice, and I’ve confirmed it works. 

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SyntaxError-PEBKAC wrote 07/03/2022 at 19:03 point

Hey there, I’m looking into a USB timing solution to connect to my Raspberry Pi server to get accurate timing for aircraft positioning and I’m a bit confused at how PPS generation occurs. Does the SkyTraq module have a built-in PPS generator based on the signal it receives from satellites? Or is it required to solder a PPS timing crystal onto the board?

I’m also wondering if you have come across any cases to protect it that would be worth recommending.

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