The FlashForge Creator Pro (presumably by accident?) has the pinout of its stepper driver boards reversed compared to most other printers, so off-the-shelf drivers don't work. Additionally, they aren't perfect for my needs (for example, the UART pins aren't trivial to access). I'm working on adapting Watterott's SilentStepStick TMC2208 board.
I've assigned footprints to all the components. For passives, I mostly used 0402, with the voltage divider using 0604 due to JLCPCB not having an 0402 13kΩ resistor in their basic parts, and the sense resistors being 1206 as advised in the datasheet. Now to route the PCB...
I switched the current sense resistor to 100mΩ for better availability. However, this also increased the RMS current above the maximum of 1.4A. As I plan to fine-tune current scaling in software, I didn't need the Vref potentiometer, so I replaced it with a fixed 13k resistor for a maximum current of: (Wolfram Alpha)
Watterott's design files are for Eagle, while I normally work in KiCAD. KiCAD has perfectly workable importers for Eagle schematics and PCBs, with the minor quirk that you have to start eeschema and pcbnew directly (instead of via the main KiCAD application) for the import option to appear. However, updating the PCB from the schematic failed. I didn't spend much time investigating this, as I planned to redo the routing anyway.
The resulting board still looked like an Eagle schematic and used Eagle symbols, which isn't great. Luckily, this was easy enough to manually fix, though a bit tedious. One annoying issue was that most symbols from KiCAD libraries were oriented 90° off from their Eagle counterparts.
The original schematic contains a symbol for a solder jumper. I left this untouched (to the annoyance of the ERC) as I plan to remove that jumper in my final schematic anyway.
I know this may seem very random but how did you get the crossing "wires" in the schematic without a connection or node being generated there? Mine always want to show a junction.
Creator pro deserves to be in the printer hall of fame if you ask me. The only thing I wish is it had some internal memory, or USB access. And it's noisy. I see you have addressed that.
I know this may seem very random but how did you get the crossing "wires" in the schematic without a connection or node being generated there? Mine always want to show a junction.