
Spot the NE555!

In order to display the function of NE555, I made an object that can replace two resistors and a diode.

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It focuses on the dynamic features of NE555. In its Astable diagram, the diodes bypassing R1 and R2 and R2 can be replaced or removed. By changing the value of those elements, you can experience the programmable timer function of NE555.
As this object is made for the 50th anniversary of NE555, it lights up the LED at the output to illuminate the controlling NE555 itself.

NE555 dynamic functional exhibition object that can be used for learning or display. Exchange resistors and diodes to experience the functions of the NE555!

  • 1 × NE555 Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs
  • 1 × LED Fiber Optics / Emitters
  • 1 × 0.8 brass wire Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × 0.5 brass wire
  • 1 × 2032 x 2 battery case

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  • NE555's 50th Anniversary

    AIRPOCKET12/25/2021 at 03:57 0 comments

    I was considering what to make according to the plot "I want to put the spotlight on NE555 which is the main character and express its function simply and elegantly".
    When I researched the specification of NE555, I found that I could configure the on/off timer with a very simple circuit, so I decided to illuminate NE555 with LED and control the LED itself with NE555. The simple circuit itself is wired in the air to make it a part of the design, and the resistors and diodes used for control are replaceable to express the function as a minimal installation.

    The overall structure consists of D0.8mm brass for Vcc and GND, and D0.5mm brass wire for the rest of the circuit.
    Capacitors and LEDs are placed in consideration of the overall design balance.

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dennis1a4 wrote 01/05/2022 at 13:43 point

Cool project. I like how the resistors just sit in little cradles. Have you had any issues making good connections with the parts just resting on the brass?

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