The last use of this system was back in May & it was so bad, it just got forgotten.

The mane problems were mis detections of columns, more trees, near sightedness because of the fisheye lens. The only thing doing any tracking was the histogram feature extraction.
Machine tracking lost a lot of appeal over the years. It takes a lot of power & produces boring shots when it works. For it to be justified, you have to dance around the camera like stuttering skater but dancing around the camera exposes the trouble spots.
The way to proceed might be to continuously train the network on a growing library of failed images. Sadly, the raw footage was deleted out of frustration. It might be necessary to crop in on the fisheye lens to give it more range. It's still much easier to use even if it ends up not seeing any more than the keycam.
Most of the footage that day was hard mounted.
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