Well, I now reached another milestone. I added a web interface to it, so now I can remotely upload and flash the PIC chip via the ESP.
A project log for ESPPIC - ESP-based PIC programmer
A standalone PIC programmer based on a ESP8266. Upload a hex file over wifi to program newer PICs with LVP capabilities.
Well, I now reached another milestone. I added a web interface to it, so now I can remotely upload and flash the PIC chip via the ESP.
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haha what a weird concept! Never woulda thunk. But seeing it here, it makes a lot of sense. Props.
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weird concept ?
I've been doing similar things over Ethernet (not WiFi) for 2 years with #SPI Flasher :-)
And my GUI is way cooler.
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Guess your advertising department needs to up their game!
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Nah, I've just been slow to adopt this new IoT trend... And in the case of programming chips remotely, I didn't get it until I saw this where it could e.g. be scripted.
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At least I tried to advertise #YGWM Whygee's JavaScript Window Manager here :-P
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