
DIY 4 in 1 BLDC ESC 30A 3~4S

DIY BLHeli / SimonK 8-Bit ESC

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On my way for building my own quad UAV, here's my second attempt on designing a 4 in 1 ESC.
Hopefully covering and fixing all the design flaws I've had in earlier prototypes.
It's been all designed around easy to source components, considering fair to normal soldering skills without sacrificing any features available in commercial 8-bit ESCs.

- 30A 3~4S / No i/p caps
- BLHeli / SimonK compatible
- OneShot125 compatible
- Flashing over RX or over SPI

Schematic is available in the attached SEEED Fusion Gallery link.


I've just received the first batch of PCBs and I'm honored to share the awesome experience I had with Seeed Studio one-stop manufacturing/assembly service! Considering the superior PCB quality and very smooth ordering, delivery process. It all took me less than 10 mins to place my order.
Its also possible to order assembled PCBs here ""
  • 4 × ATMEGA8u Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 4 × FORTIOR FD6288t 3 Phase FET driver
  • 24 × WSD30140 N-FET
  • 2 × AMS1117-5 Linear regulator

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AVIONTICS wrote 02/12/2024 at 05:41 point

Did the ESC work?

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Scott Mayberry wrote 12/29/2023 at 02:08 point

Hi is-ms, did this design work in the end? Im thinking of doing something similar for a underwater vehicle.

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