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A project log for Another Arduino DC Load

Another Arduino controlled DC Load up to 15V, 3A.

laboratorio-glunLaboratorio Gluón 01/25/2022 at 14:230 Comments

After doing all the design of the schematic and PCB in the online streams, I ordered the PCBs to be manufactured online. When they arrived I started assembling all the components in the PCB, and the problems arised.

Real PCB!
Real PCB!

This DC Load can be tailored to each specific job. In my case I did the schematic for my own purpose, that is: 

- Max Voltage : 15V

- Max Current:  3A

I didnt have all the components when I started the assembly, so I started with what I had, that is the screen, the Arduino and some buttons. This way, I can start testing the inputs and the first version of the source code.

Even in such small step there were problems in the PCB and so, I had to implement some ad-hoc solutions:


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