I used mode 60 for minutes and for this I connected the signal received at the counter output corresponding to the numbers 60 (111100) with the AND gate seen in the diagram to the reset pin of the counter.

I used mode 24 for the clock and for this I connected the signal received from the counter output corresponding to the numbers 24 (11000) with the AND gate shown in the diagram to the reset pin of the counter.

I used the TS556 IC, which has two separate timers for both minutes and hours. Integrated also works with 3volt low voltage input.

I placed the orders for the PCBs on pcbway site and it took a long time to receive them due to the cargo confusion, but I was able to complete the project.

My first test was my design is it work or not work and I have tested with  1 second timer for both hours and minutes. So, as always it was not working the first time and I found my mistake :). It was not working because I forget to reset the pin of 556 integrated connected VCC and I fixed it. So it works and I was happy to see it. After that, I changed the timer for hours and minutes. 

The period of 556 timer 1  is 60 for minutes and another period of 556 timer 2 is 3600 for hours. So it is very very low frequency and it needs high capacitance and I need to parallel capacitance to increase the value of capacitance. I was using an excel sheet to calculate some parametric values. 

