Do you have a classic car ? The radio only receives AM ? You live perhaps in Europe ? Nothing to hear ? Only noise ?
This is for you ! And your car !
I build a very minimalistic Bluetooth enabled AM-transmitter w/o coils, based on ESP32 (WROOM).
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01/20/2022 at 08:19
So I designed the schematic, build it on a breadboard and after all works as expected - send it to fabrication.
One week later the PCB's arrived !
Let's assemble the first.
Step 1 - solder Resistors and Condensators
Step 2 - solder pin-headers for the PCM5102A-module
Step 3 - put the PCM5102A-module on the pin-headers and the pin-sockets for the ESP32-Devkit
Step 4 - solder the antenna-cable and put the ESP32-Devkit on
Now flash it - via PlatformIO - connect the antenna cable to your receiver, pair it with your smartphone (via BlueTooth), play some music and tune your receiver to the frequency - Voila'
I own some years an AMC Pacer X .... A great car (you know "Waynes World" ?) , but in my car there's is only a AM-radio.
Here in Old-Europe, esp. in Germany, aren't any broadcasting stations.... But to replace the radio with a new (modern) one ? Nope.
There's a device called "RediRad" you can buy, but ....
So there was the idea: Feeding the music through BlueTooth and then transmit it as AM.
No modification on the good old radio - only plug a cable in to the antenna connector, pair the device with your smartphone, tune the frequency and listen to the music !!