
STEM Outreach at Tarleton State University with Petoi Robot Pets for K12 Schools

A project log for OpenCat - Open Source Quadruped Robotic Framework

OpenCat is the open-source Arduino and Raspberry Pi-based quadruped robotic pet framework for Boston Dynamics-styled programmable robots

petoiPetoi 08/23/2024 at 12:040 Comments

At Petoi, we are privileged to extend our continuous partnership with the wonderful faculty and students of the Tarleton State University from Stephenville, Texas. On 3 spectacular occasions, students of TSU showcased the versatility, depth, and capability of Petoi's quadruped robot kits to various groups like elementary school students, Boy Scouts, and members of SWE (Society of Women Engineering). Here's a sneak peek of the events.

1. Boy Scouts of America STEM Badge event

On April 24th, 2023, Tarleton University organized its STEM badge event for The Boy Scouts of America. The focus was on teaching robotics and programming to children of all ages. Once the event began, the Boy Scouts were understandably curious to explore how these cool and adorable Petoi robots worked.

Kid Engineering Kit

Each Boy Scout was provided with ample time to interact with the computer and work closely with Petoi handlers to practically assemble the quadrupeds, learn how to optimize code, and also gain an understanding of how engineers work to try and improve their processes. The event was a roaring success as most Boy Scouts were able to get the Petoi Bittle Robot Dog to not only move but also do some tricks! This goes to show just how easy and quick it is for children of all ages to learn how to fully program a Petoi robot project kit. With our free Block based coding curriculum, basic programming becomes as simple as drag and drop and can be deployed to lay a solid foundation for the future!

2. SWE (Society of Women Engineering) outreach event with Petoi

On the 9th of February, 2024, Tarleton's Petoi partners joined hands with some members of SWE as they visited The Girls Who Code elementary club in Euless, Texas.  The event commenced with an insightful talk about the Mayfield College of Engineering (a part of Tarleton State University)- its campus programs, and the various organizations that frequented the campus. Towards the end of the event, the children were introduced to the adorable Petoi Nybble robot cat. The children were in awe and highly intrigued as they saw the robot in action - walking, moving, and looking around just like a real cat. Apart from the various Nybble tricks that were on display, the Petoi handlers also explained the process of understanding the robot and how they overcame some obstacles through trial and error.

Petoi Nybble Robot Cat 

Overall, it was a fantastic visit to showcase the sheer practical power of engineering to the next generation of aspiring engineers.

3. STEM day at Chamberlin Elementary School

March 21st 2024 saw over 200 enthusiastic young minds from Stephenville Community participate in a "STEM day event" at the nearby Chamberlin Elementary School. The students of grades 1 & 2 took turns in groups of 20 as they interacted with the Petoi's robots. A couple of the Bittle robots were connected to laptops and showcased how the robot pets were controlled by Petoi's block-based coding software - Petoi Coding Blocks. One of the Nybble cat robots was also controlled by phone!

Since the group was huge, the presenters also put on a fun skit for all the kids that encouraged participation and learning through movement: when the kids moved, the robot followed, and when the kids jumped, the robot jumped as well! This brought on thunderous cheer, laughter, and amazement from the children.

Robot for School Project

A special shoutout to our partners at Tarleton State University, student leader Emily Kelley and  Petoi handlers who left no stone unturned when it came to ensuring a smooth learning experience for everyone and providing assistance to anyone who got stuck on a problem!

Are you interested in learning how Petoi's robotic kits are mesmerizing students worldwide?

Take a look at how Petoi is shaping the future of Robotics at Syracuse University. *Want to learn Block-Based Robot Programming? You can get started with the first video of our curriculum right here
