
Day 0: How it's started

A project log for Yet Another 68k Homebrew Computer

Simple Homebrew computer based on 68000 CPU

roman-romanchukRoman Romanchuk 02/09/2022 at 12:510 Comments

After I got mine hands on some Homebrew Z80 system, and watching some famous videos about 6502 I understood that I want to build my own thing. 

The decision to make something based on 68000 came from unrealised childhood desire to get Sega Mega Drive system.

I want to go step by step, not focusing on particular "retro" feeling (still will try to avoid FPGA/full microcontrollers in the build). 

So initial build iterations I aiming are following:

  1. Get free running 68000 
  2. Wire up CPU + ROM
  3. Add UART for communications with outside world
  4. Add RAM
  5. to be continued... 

My electronics experience is ending somewhere around Arduino with blinking LED, so I expect this project will be slow moving, depending on free time for reading books and fiddling with chips. 

Stay tuned!
