Recently the project got a comment about similar looking plugs from a dutch company called Klik aan Klik uit. The plugs could be controlled with this Arduino library. So I did a comparison between my findings for Nexa and the KaKu Arduino code.
First, these are my latest notes on Nexa plugs. I changed the payload structure a little bit based on this comparison. The timings are also rounded a bit more.
payload structure:
[init] 1001 [7 bytes] 0101 [3 bytes] 1001 [state byte] 0101 [id byte] # first quess
[init] 1001 [11 bytes for remote id] 1001 [state byte] [group bits] [id byte] # refined quess
bytes: 0101, 0110, 1001, 1010
state: off, on, all off, all on
id: 0, 1, 2, 3
group: 0, 1, 2, 3
init: 250 µs ON, 2500 µs OFF
1: 250 µs ON, 1250 µs OFF
0: 250 µs ON, 250 µs OFF
After analysing the KaKu code I was able to extract this information
kaku payload structure (without dimmer):
[syc] [32 bits]
syc is roughly the same as nexa init
32 bits are ((id<<6|dev)|state<<4)|(group)<<2
0000iiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii ii000000 | between 0 and 4194303
00e000dd | e = 1, dd = 00 for every device, else dd = 00 - 11
0000 000s0000 | 1 or 0
0000 0000gg00 | 00 - 11
-> 0000iiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiesggdd | full payload
-> payload: [syc] [0000iiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiesggdd]
kaku bits:
syc: 10810 µs OFF, 230 µs ON, 2760 µs OFF
1: 230 µs ON, 1380 µs OFF, 230 µs ON, 322 µs OFF
0: 230 µs ON, 322 µs OFF, 230 µs ON, 1380 µs OFF
-1: 230 µs ON, 322 µs OFF, 230 µs ON, 322 µs OFF # used in dimmer payload only
kaku states:
0: off
1: on
100000: control group instead of single device
kaku id and group:
00: 0
01: 1
10: 2
11: 3
The bits and timings look surprisingly similar. To make the comparations easier I had to do some translations
kaku bits to nexa bits:
kaku | nexa
syc | init
1 | 10
0 | 01
kaku payload translated to nexa bits:
[init] 0101 0101 [44 id bits] [2 whole group bits] [2 state bits] [4 group bits] [4 device bits]
nexa payload:
[init] 1001 [44 id bits] 1001 [4 state bits] [4 group bits] [4 device bits]
kaku payload:
[syc] 0000iiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiesggdd
nexa payload translated to kaku bits:
[syc] 10iiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii 10ssggdd
So there are some subtle differences in timings and payload structures. I will test this more when I get some working hardware to send these payloads.
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