This project demos how TFL Hello World Example works with Realtek AMB21/22/23 EVB.
This Hello World Example is meant to train a simple light-weighed Neural Network for microcontrollers, using the Google TensorFlow training platform.
Please check the detailed information in the "INSTRUCTIONS" section below.
In the Arduino IDE library manager, install the JPEGDecoder library. This example has been tested with version 1.8.0 of the JPEGDecoder library.
Code Modifiaction
Once the library has been installed, you will need to configure it to disable some optional components that are not compatible with the RTL8722DM. Open the following file: Arduino/libraries/JPEGDecoder/src/User_Config.h
Make sure that both #define LOAD_SD_LIBRARY and #define LOAD_SDFAT_LIBRARY are commented out, as shown in this excerpt from the file: //#define LOAD_SD_LIBRARY // Default SD Card library //#define LOAD_SDFAT_LIBRARY // Use SdFat library instead, so SD Card SPI can be bit bashed