
Machine vision rep counter

An idea which has become everywhere & nowhere over the last 4 years

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  • Mirrors with cameras

    lion mclionhead02/19/2022 at 22:34 0 comments

    Using machine vision to count reps was a game changer for lions.  This was the most tedious part & source of error while exercising.  Watching videos, it was easy to loose count.  After many ideas of carrying around a school bus counter or a phone, having a confuser count with machine vision was groundbreaking.

    4 years after the lion kingdom started using machine vision to count reps, there was a recent craze for very expensive mirror form factor TV's with cameras

    The strange thing is none of them used their cameras to count reps, possibly the most tedious part of exercising.  The $2000 one actually used a time of flight camera to detect form errors, but nothing else.  

    The other thing is no-one watches training videos while exercising.  They watch random gootube videos & movies, which none of these mirror TV's do.  The lion kingdom would credit it to venture capital being purely focused on Harvard education & connections rather than value.

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