
Negative Voltage Supply (Issues and fixes)

A project log for PlainDAQ - DAQ Module for Raspberry Pi Pico

Open Source DAQ module for Raspberry Pi Pico

alperenAlperen 09/22/2022 at 14:230 Comments

In my previous attemp to generate negative voltage supply didn't work, so I ordered new ones to try them out.

I soldered it on and suprise, suprise. It worked (with problems which will be revealed soon)

PlainDAQ is drawing 58mA when just sitting ideally, which was a surprise to me.

To my surprise ripple was too huge about 150mV!

I tried to solder big capacitor at the outputs of the buck converters, but that really didn't change anything.

Look at my bodges

I need to figure out where the noise is coming from, any ideas?
