The miniature house is made from cardboard, different paper, foam board and other needlework stuff. It has 8 rooms and 2 floors (+ attic above).
Some of rooms have desk or floor lamps inside (White LEDs). There is a TV in the living room (SSD1306 OLED). All rooms have the camera watch indicator (White cardboard box with white and blue LED inside). All rooms, except for the attic, have ceiling lighting. The attic (Player's room) have two flashlightings, left and right.
The creepy drawings are printed pictures with RGB LEDs behind.

Game interface
The game has a simple menu where the player can read instructions and choose which night (1-5) to enter. Pause menu is implemented. There is also a custom night setup menu, but it is hidden.

When the player selects the night, there is a specific dialog shown (between the main character and his sister, they have a talk in IRC according to the story)

During the game, this interface is displayed on the screen

It shows the time, score, power consumption, selected camera and what can the player do in this room with joystick. For example in the room 6 pushing the joystick up will select the player's room (attic:8), down - toggle the ceiling light in this room, left - turn off the desk lamp and kick away the entity it is possessed by, right - same for floor lamp.
In the player's room pushing joystick up will invoke the pause menu.
The rules
There are 5 paranormal entities in the game:
- Yellow spirit: moves between pictures from 1st floor to the player's room, sometimes can possess a lamp or tv. is eliminated by a white flash.
- Blue(UV) spirit: moves between pictures, visible only in camera's UV mode, is eliminated by aт UV flash.
- Red spirit: (aka Foxy in FNaF). Moves between pictures from 1st floor to player's room very fast, is eliminated by a white flash.
- Lamp poltergeist: Invisible. Possesses lamps or TV, is eliminated by turning off the lamp it possessed.
- Camera poltergeist: Invisible. Possesses cameras. When camera is possessed, the signal from it is lost and nothing is visible in the corresponding room. Is eliminated by turning on ceiling light in the corresponding room.
The more appliances are turned on, the more power is consumes. According to the story, the action takes place during the night, so there are night tariff limitations for the player to keep in mind. If power consumption exceeds the limit, a 10 sec blackout occures.

The goal of the player is to survive(not let spirits to possess the central drawing in the attic) until 6 am.
I designed 2 two-layered and a few 1-layered boards in KiCAD and made them using photoresist technology.
This was the biggest board I ever made for today

That is how the rooms evolved:

I used Arduino Nano (ATmega328P) to control the house and run the game. But I didn't use the Arduino framework: all the software is written in AVR C and uses about 19 kB of Flash. I think I managed to get some kind of modularity in the game harness code, but I definitely lost it in the main game logic code, as the game rules are quite complex. I might refactor it in the future.

For now I am a student, so I don't think my board design is ideal, but the game works(all the bugs are in code:), and all 11 shift registers work fine. So I'm just making what I want and improving my skills)