
[T] Alternative Mouse Control

A project log for Tetent [gd0090]

A water resistant, 300WPM input peripheral for end-to-end workflows.

kelvinakelvinA 03/21/2022 at 14:560 Comments
(Published 22 March 2022)

The idea

I'm thinking of a course and fine method of keying in mouse positions for even faster and more accurate GUI control. The coarse method would be A00 - A99 and the fine would be 001 - 999. In both cases, the left thumb first covers the trackpad so that Tetent goes into mouse position entry mode instead of keyboard mode.

For the coarse method, I was thinking of either

and for the fine method, I was thinking of the second option from a 999 x 999 grid. (Tetent = 000 not included). So that clicking in the centre of the screen is possible, the method might use a 9x9 and 99x99 grid respectively instead.

On 1080p or lower (or UI's designed for touch input), I think the coarse method is good enough. For 1440p (or 4K @ 150% scaling), it seems that a 200 x 200 grid would be preferable. Teti has 3 4K panels stacked vertically, and a 999 x 999 grid without having to first select the target screen sounds like I'd be able to get a decent amount of precision. (333 x 999 per screen)

This idea could also be thought of as binding a keyboard shortcut to a (fullscreen) program where a specific UI element doesn't have it. (Fusion 360 feature settings window, I'm looking at you)

Obviously, the main question is "How do I know what location on-screen corresponds to the grid square?"

I also want a way of putting in 2 or 3 coordinates so that linear and spline motions of the cursor can be keyed in. (I was thinking of how this could be used in something like Inkscape)

Click methods
