
[M] Thumb grip failing...

A project log for Tetent [gd0090]

A water resistant, 300WPM input peripheral for end-to-end workflows.

kelvinakelvinA 07/29/2023 at 16:540 Comments

So I printed out the concept from the previous log and thought that it would be a good idea to have a grip that the thumb can latch onto so that Tetent can be used in a single hand. I then printed like 5 varying handles with the 6th one shown above (but untested). One of the ideas I had was to fit a 21700 cell and a speaker into that section, as you might be able to tell from the image above.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to obtain an ergonomic solution so far. This image I found on the internet will help explain why:

So the gesture of holding this Tetent concept is like grabbing air and then slotting the device into the gap. The issue is that the bottom of the Tetrinsics are where that line is, meaning that I've got to orient my thumb closer to Finger5 so that it fits. After about 20 seconds, I can feel a sliiiiiight strain sensation in that red circle, and next thing I know, I've slid the entire thing up to make space for my thumb. This is an issue because the range of Finger5 becomes limited to about half of what it could do. Even then, it doesn't aleviate the discomfort.
